Thursday, March 26, 2020

Different Ways To Repair A Roof Leak

Keller roofing roof leak repair

The drop that falls steadily through a small hole or crack can lead to a lot of water accumulation, sometimes even tens of liters. Water entering a roof system may stagnate for a while until its evaporation or total leakage through the walls, which is why the stains on the ceiling may appear even after the rain stops, infiltration being maintained for days.

You can hire a specialized Keller roofing company to repair a roof leak or, if you want and have technical skills, you can repair it yourself.

  • In the case of ceramic tile roofs, you will need to replace the damaged tiles.
  • In the case of metal tile roofs, after identifying the shingle to be replaced, you will only be able to replace it if you dismantle the others in descending order of installation, so it is good to number them with a marker.
  • In the case of roofs made of wooden shingles, the damaged shingles will be identified and then replaced one by one.
  • In the case of flat roofs covered with bituminous membrane, the damaged surface will be checked and the membrane – patched. Additionally, you can coat the roof, which will seal it.
  • In the case of infiltrations in the area of ​​ chimneys and other penetrations, you will have to carefully restore the waterproofing.


Originally Posted on: Different Ways To Repair A Roof Leak

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