Thursday, August 5, 2021

What To Check On Your Roof After A Storm

Storm Weather Roofers

The damage done to your roof after a storm may not always be visible. This could be the case, for instance, of roofs damaged by winds. It is very important to examine your roof closely, and look for any proof of deterioration. In case you notice certain signs, you should call on the Dallas roofers and ask for a professional inspection.

Your roof’s shingles can often get damaged by heavy storms. You should watch out for shingles which are missing, curled or cracked. In case you notice cracks on the shingles’ surface, this means that they are structurally weak, and you could actually lose them after the next rainfall.

There can also be gutter-related problems. Dysfunctional gutters may cause water to reach out to the foundation, and cause further troubles down there. Moreover, you should check if there are any fallen granules in your gutters.

The roof features may be dented or scratched. You should pay extra attention to the chimneys’ bottom edges and the surrounding shingles. Moisture in the attic may be another indicator of storm-related damaged, so be sure to check on that part also. Stains on the ceiling or walls should be some other worrying signs for your roof.

The post What To Check On Your Roof After A Storm appeared first on CLC Roofing a Dallas Roofing Company.


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