Monday, November 7, 2022

Should You Sell Your Old Family Home with the Same Bad Roof?

Do's Don'ts Flower Mound Home Roofer Recommendations


Each house is unique and, when selling a property, it is important to set a reasonable price in accordance to its characteristics and the current state of the market. If the price you decide to ask for on your home is too high, it will be largely ignored by prospective buyers, so the selling process will be delayed for months, if not years.

The good news is that there are certain improvements you can make to your home that will increase its value and make it more appealing to potential buyers. One of these is the replacement of the old roof. Flower Mound roofing specialists estimate that a new roof can bring you a return on investment of about 70%.

A bad roof is a very big red flag for those interested in buying a house, because they know all too well that it is not only about the appearance, but also about the damage caused by water infiltrations, which can go as far as the appearance of mold in the walls, the destruction of the roof insulation and the lack of energy efficiency. No one will want to invest money in a house just to deal with such issues…

Having a Flower Mound Roofer replace the roof is recommended as it can be a complex project, so potential buyers will be happy to purchase a property with a new roof already installed, so as not to have to bother with replacing it themselves. They will be willing to pay more in this case, and you will recover your investment.

The post Should You Sell Your Old Family Home with the Same Bad Roof? appeared first on CLC Roofing a Dallas Roofing Company.


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